Eduroam Wireless Network Overview

KU is a participating institution in the eduroam system, which provides faculty, staff, and students access to wireless resources at any eduroam institution worldwide.

The following information is for KU faculty, students, and staff who want to use eduroam wireless access when traveling. If you are a visitor to KU from another participating institution and need help accessing eduroam, please contact your IT support service at your home institution.

About eduroam for KU faculty, students, and staff:
The eduroam system allows you to use your KU online ID and password to gain access to wireless networks at other participating institutions.

KU IT strongly recommends that you configure your access to the eduroam system here at KU before you travel. You will then use the same settings to connect to the eduroam network anywhere in the world.  Configuring your access while still here at KU will allow us to better assist you with any technical issues you may encounter during the setup process.

Accessing eduroam is almost exactly the same as accessing JAYHAWK with a few minor changes.

  • Your user name for eduroam will be your online ID followed by "" (e.g. "[email protected]").  You must use your online ID to access eduroam, not an email alias that you may have created for sending and receiving email.
  • You will use the same password as for any other KU system such as email and myKU.
  • You will not need to change any security settings when accessing eduroam. Just enter your user name as described above.
  • Eduroam behaves like any other non-KU network, so you'll need to use KUAnywhere to access KU systems that are restricted to the KU IP space. (such as your department and personal directories.)
  • Eduroam will be available on the KU campus anywhere that JAYHAWK is available.
  • If you are a KU user and do not already use Jayhawk wireless access, you should set up Jayhawk wireless for on-campus access first, then switch to the eduroam before leaving campus. Switch back to Jayhawk when you return.