Mapping a Teams folder can make it easy to upload files directly from any Microsoft Office program directly into a Team. It can also make for easy access to the program directly from the device's local file system, as opposed to from the Microsoft Teams interface. Follow the steps below to successfully map a Teams' files directly into OneDrive and to your local machine.

Microsoft Teams:

  • Navigate to the desired team and click the top 'Files' tab.
  • Click 'Documents' just below this higher row with 'Posts' and 'Files'
  • Click onto the ellipsis (...) and select 'Add Shortcut to OneDrive'

  • The file should now be added to OneDrive at your designated location.

Microsoft OneDrive (optional):

  • For organizational purposes, it can be beneficial to add all the Teams into a single folder in your own OneDrive environment. Create a new folder and name it however you'd like by clicking the folder icon on the left, the blue '+' icon and then folder from the resulting drop-down menu

  • Once you have created this folder, move any linked Teams folders by highlighting them, clicking the ellipsis (...) next to their name, and click 'Move to'

Congratulations, now you have successfully linked Teams folders to your own OneDrive, renamed them, and organized them into a single folder. These Teams folders now can be uploaded to or edited in any manner just like any folder you would typically have on your own machine.