KU Virtual Lab

Set up Virtual Lab
To get started, open a web browser and visit the following address: https://virtuallab.ku.edu Log in with your KU online ID and password. Select '...
Thu, 2021, Nov 4 7:24
Install Citrix Receiver - Windows
Virtual Lab is available to active KU students and faculty/staff to access applications without having to install them. This service uses an application cal...
Thu, 2021, Nov 4 7:24
Install Citrix Receiver - macOS
Virtual Lab is available to active KU students and faculty/staff to access applications without having to install them. This service uses an application cal...
Tue, 2021, Nov 2 8:09
Accessing local storage through Virtual Lab - macOS
When accessing files (either saving or opening) on your computer, do not use "Desktop", "Documents", and "Downloads" folders, ...
Tue, 2021, Nov 2 8:09
Accessing local storage through Virtual Lab (Windows)
Accessing local storage through Virtual Lab (Windows) Please note: This KB assumes that the Citrix Receiver is already installed. 1. Connect to Virtual ...
Wed, 2021, Nov 3 12:40
404 Error In The Virtual Lab
404 Error In The Virtual Lab Symptoms When I attempt to log into KU Virtual Lab I receive a 404 error similar to the one below.     Causes ...
Tue, 2021, Nov 2 8:11
Software Available via Virtual Lab
The software available via the KU Virtual Lab varies depending on what program a student is part of, or if the user is faculty/staff. Most software is avail...
Tue, 2021, Nov 2 8:09